Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2011

The Canvas | Rufus Krieger

Rufus Krieger is an illustrator and says "old fashioned Illustration is my faible". This ´art of work´ gives me my an own understanding of independence. Rufus was a BOA competition winner and his artwork "B.Movie" was showcased on the London Underground. 

-The Body Of Art-

Link to "The Canvas / BOA"

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

Portrait Edith Stein

Edith Stein, Teresia Benedicta a Cruce auch Teresia Benedicta vom Kreuz. Geboren 1891 in Breslau, gestorben 1942 im KZ Auschwitz.
Edith Stein, Teresia Benedicta a Cruce or Teresia Benedicta of the Cross. Born 1891 in Breslau, died 1942 in KZ Auschwitz.